Working with LGBTQ Youth - Wednesday, June 8, 2011 |

Gerald P. Mallon, DSW
Professor & Executive Director
National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections
Mimi Laver, JD
Director of Legal Education
Director of the Opening Doors |
Materials Download |
- Opening Doors: Improving the Legal System’s Approach to LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care
This project of the American Bar Association, Center on Children and the Law offers free training and technical assistance all around the country to judges, lawyers and child welfare professionals to work together to improve outcomes for LGBTQ and ALL youth in care. They also meet child welfare professionals and provide workshops at national and local conferences.
- The Kids are Listening
Our kids are listening – whether it’s on the news, at home or in our schools – and it’s up to us to make sure they hear the right things. Watch this video from the Opening Doors Project, share it with friends, and together stand up to hate speech and discrimination.