NCCWE Weekly Update 11/5/2014 |
National Adoption Month: Promoting and Supporting Sibling Connections
National Adoption Month is in November. This is a time to bring attention to more than 102,000 children and youth in foster care waiting for adoptive families. The Children's Bureau sponsors the National Adoption Month initiative through a partnership with AdoptUSKids and Child Welfare Information Gateway.
President Obama released this proclamation announcing National Adoption Month. The theme for this year's national initiative, "Promoting and Supporting Sibling Connections," pays tribute to the unique bond between siblings. The nurturing of the sibling bond is crucial for child development and adjustment and, for children entering care, being placed with their siblings can enhance their sense of well-being and provide natural, mutual support. The sibling relationship is lifelong and may outlive many other types of relationships in one's life. Joint sibling placements have also been determined to decrease the chance of instability in the placement and improve the well-being outcomes for children and youth. Visit the National Adoption Month website that offers a variety of resources for professionals, adoptive families, birth parents, adoptees, and youth.
https://www.childwelfare.gov/adoption/nam |
Digital Stories from NCCWE
Watch Sasha’s moving story about sibling connections Sasha’s story provides a narrative about the importance of sibling connections and visiting. She also talks about success at school, connections with a supportive adult in her life, and post secondary education.
http://www.nccwe.org/digital-stories/sasha.html |
Predictive Analytics to Child Maltreatment Response
Los Angeles County, which committed itself to an overhaul of its child protection system last year, is applying the concept of "predictive analytics" to child maltreatment response and prevention. Its Blue Ribbon Commission on Child Protection recommended that the county implement a predictive analytics model piloted in Florida that is meant to reduce child fatalities. https://chronicleofsocialchange.org/news/preventive-analytics/8384 |
The September issue of the ZERO TO THREE Journal focused on the work of the federally funded National Quality Improvement Center on Early Childhood (QIC-EC), managed by CSSP, which supported four research and demonstration projects that tested new approaches to preventing child maltreatment of very young children. Get your copy of the ZERO TO THREE Journal
http://zerotothree.org/ |
Circles of Caring Video
Strengthening Families West Virginia recently released, Circles of Caring, a video which provides an overview of each of the protective factors along with some of the everyday actions that people, organizations and communities can take to help families build them. This update of their original video from 2010 uses newer language from CSSP about the core meanings of each protective factor and addresses "nurturing and attachment" as a theme that runs through all of them. With accessible language and limited references to West Virginia, the video can be useful for a broad audiences.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDQfkNt7s4I |
The National Children's Advocacy Center is now accepting applications for scholarships to the 31st International Symposium on Child Abuse There are a limited number of scholarships available. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is November 7, 2014.
All applicants will be notified via e-mail by close of business on November 21, 2014, whether or not they received a scholarship.
The Scholarship covers the registration fee only, not travel or lodging.
The registration fee (scholarship) includes: access to all Symposium workshops; daily continental breakfast and lunch; Joe's Hospitality Room on Monday and Tuesday evenings, Wednesday evening Band Party; and transportation between official hotels and Symposium venues. |
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Gerald P. Mallon, DSW, LCSW
Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare
Executive Director
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
A Service of the Children's Bureau
2180 Third Avenue. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10035
mallong@aol.com |