NCCWE Weekly Update 12/17/2014 |
Levels of Research Evidence and Benefit-Cost Data for Title IV-E Waiver Interventions.
Nearly all of the states with Title IV-E demonstrations have started or expanded the use of evidence-based practices, but according to this study, there is a lack of cost-benefit analyses of those interventions. Many of the waiver demonstration projects “have the potential to improve child safety and the attainment of emotional and legal permanence,” but more cost-savings data about those interventions would bolster the case for their use.
“Outcome studies using rigorous evaluation designs and economic analyses would not only better establish the effectiveness of these interventions, but also measure whether they produce any cost savings.”
Casey Family Programs. 2014 For more info, click here. Click here to read brief. |
How To Deal With Drug Problems in State's Foster Care Program
California Healthline - December 11, 2014 An investigation and series of articles published this fall by the San Jose Mercury News and Bay Area News Group showed that pharmaceutical companies are spending millions of dollars to influence physicians who prescribe psychiatric medications to California children in foster care. The investigation found that children in the state foster care system are prescribed psychiatric drugs at a rate three times higher than children nationwide.
http://www.californiahealthline.org/think-tank/2014/how-to-deal-with-drug-problems-in-states-foster-care-program |
University of California at Davis has first-of-its kind program to aid former foster youth
The UC Davis Guardian Professions Program is the country's first program dedicated to helping former foster youth earn graduate and professional degrees.
http://news.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=11104 |
Sex Trafficking
Position Paper on the Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in the United States.
Harrison, Suzanne Leonard. Atkinson, Holly G. Newman, Connie B. Et al. American Medical Women's Association. 2014
Click to
Children Affected by Methamphetamine Brief 2014
Improving outcomes for families affected by parental substance use disorders and child welfare involvement starts with a cross-systems commitment and coordinated approach to address the multiple and complex needs of parents and children. Through collaborative efforts around the country, evidence is emerging of what families need to succeed in their efforts to reunify with their children and maintain their recovery.
This brief summarizes the experiences, lessons learned, and outcomes of the collaborative efforts of the Children Affected by Methamphetamine (CAM) grant program (October 2010 – September 2014). The brief provides an overview of the grant program, grantees and key implementation lessons learned, and also highlights the CAM program’s interim safety, permanency, recovery and well-being outcomes for the 1,850 families served during the first three years of the grant. A copy of the brief can be downloaded here.
http://www.cffutures.org/files/publications/CAM_Brief_2014.pdf |
The National Council on Crime and Delinquency Request for Proposals
The National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) is excited to announce the release of its request for proposals for technical assistance to focus on using Pay for Success financing to help reduce racial disparities in child welfare and juvenile justice in select jurisdictions. The RFP launch was announced this afternoon at a White House event.
In October, NCCD received $863,959 in investments from the Corporation for National and Community Service’s (CNCS) Social Innovation Fund (SIF), the results of a highly competitive open grant competition.
NCCD’s project aims to assess feasibility and develop Pay for Success capacity in jurisdictions from the states with the highest rates of racial and ethnic disparities in these systems. Those states are Wisconsin, California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Nebraska, and Washington, DC
The request for proposals can be read in its entirety here . To submit an application, click here. |
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Gerald P. Mallon, DSW, LCSW
Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare
Executive Director
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
A Service of the Children's Bureau
2180 Third Avenue. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10035
mallong@aol.com |