NCCWE Weekly Update 1/28/2015 |
Self Efficacy in Child Welfare Work
Child abuse and neglect in the United States resulted in 676,569 reports in 2011 (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2012). Workers in this field struggle with low pay, high caseloads, inadequate training and supervision, and risk of violence, all of which contribute to worker burnout and poor worker retention rates. Worker selfefficacy is predictive of worker retention, job performance, and persistence in this difficult field. This paper reports the development of a new measure of self-efficacy from a sample of 395 child welfare workers. Factor analysis revealed two domains of selfefficacy, direct practice and indirect practice, which can be modestly predicted by worker characteristics upon hire and the training program the workers attend. Worker selfefficacy can be used to identify vulnerable workers who may be especially in need of strong supervisory support as well as understand who to target for recruitment. A review of the literature of self-efficacy in child welfare workers is included.
http://listserve.icfi.com/t/601296/587461/37128/0/ |
Keeping KIn with Family: Texas Model
This report examines the prevalence and variety of kinship care situations in Texas, the assistance programs available to households and the challenges that caregivers encounter when they apply for help. The report offers a range of policy solutions Texas should implement in order to support kinship caregivers in their efforts to provide new homes and families for the children who need them.
http://forabettertexas.org/images/CW_2014_12_PP_KinshipCare.pdf |
Ohio Fostering Connections:Expanding supports for foster youththrough age 21
In January 2014, Ohio Fostering Connections kicked off a yearlong effort 1) to conduct independent research and analysis of the need for and cost-benefit of expanding supports for young people in foster care and 2) to educate decision-makers and stakeholders. In January 2015, Ohio Fostering Connections will continue its work to educate the public and will launch a campaign for state-level legislation to extend supportive services for foster youth to age 21. The legislation will include a package of programs to help young people prepare for college and career. Each year, successful implementation of the project would impact up to 3,000 young people, ages 18-21, who would be eligible to enroll in the statewide program.
http://www.ohiofosteringconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/OFC-Report-December-2014.pdf |
Qualitative Data in Program Evaluation – New Course
The FRIENDS National Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention is pleased to introduce a new online course,Qualitative Data in Program Evaluation. This course follows a fictional program, The Families Program, as they explore the effectiveness of their program. Their quantitative evaluation has left them with unanswered questions so they turn to qualitative evaluation methods to assist them understand the issues and improve their services.
The course will help you better understand the ways qualitative methods can enhance your evaluation efforts, how to get started with qualitative evaluation, and ways to collect, analyze and share qualitative data.
The Online Learning Center can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you haven’t already registered for a course it only takes a few minutes.
http://friendsnrcelearning.org/ |
In its 25th Edition, New KIDS COUNT Data Book Highlights Wins in Child Well-Being Since 1990 Demographic, social and economic shifts since 1990, combined with federal and state policy efforts, have significantly shaped child well-being today, says the Annie E. Casey Foundation in its 2014 KIDS COUNT Data Book. Looking back on major trends in child health and development since the year of its first Data Book, the Foundation finds a number of improvements for children. More kids are attending preschool, are proficient academically and are healthier than in 1990. However, the economic recovery for families following the recession continues to be slow, and concerns about inequalities in opportunities for children in low-income families http://www.aecf.org/resources/the-2014-kids-count-data-book/ |
Resource Guide for Detained or Deported Parents
This toolkit is designed to help immigrant parents keep their families together. It is the first-ever comprehensive, nationwide resource to help families who are caught between the immigration and child welfare systems.
http://www.southerncoalition.org/resource-detained-deported-parents/ |
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Gerald P. Mallon, DSW, LCSW
Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare
Executive Director
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
A Service of the Children's Bureau
2180 Third Avenue. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10035
mallong@aol.com |