NCCWE Weekly Update 4/15/2015 |
Rise Issue #28 Winter 2015
Generations in Foster Care
When you grow up in foster care and become a mother, your greatest hope is that you’ll get to be your child’s Mommy. Yet mothers who grew up in foster care are at high risk of having their own children removed.
This is the first issue in a series on what it takes for young mothers who grew up in foster care to build stable families. This issue looks at the painful relationship between child welfare systems and the mothers they helped raise.
http://www.risemagazine.org/PDF/Rise_issue_28.pdf |
Support for same-sex marriage is growing in all 50 states
Public support for same-sex marriage has increased in all 50 states since 2004, and more rapidly since 2012, according to a report released today by researchers at the Williams Institute and Drexel University.
Even in Alabama, the state with the lowest support for same-sex marriage, support more than doubled between 2004 and estimates for 2016.
If the trend continues, public support for same-sex marriage will be at 40% or higher in every state by 2016.
http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/research/marriage-and-couples-rights/trends-in-public-support-for-marriage-for-same-sex-couples-by-state-2004-2014/ |
King County Family Treatment Court - Barry's Story
King County Family Treatment Court (FTC) is an FDC Peer Learning Court located in Seattle, WA. The court has been in operation for a decade and has exceptional experience in addressing the issue of disproportionality in their FTC program by serving children and families that are representative of the overall child welfare population in their jurisdiction.
Please take a moment to view this video, which captures Barry’s story and allows viewers to take a look inside the King County Family Treatment Court.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upAfCz_foII&feature=youtu.be |
Leading from the Front Line - Case Managers in Your FDC and Why You Need Them
Hosted by: Family Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Program
Thursday, May 14, 2015 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT) | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
Register Today!
As part of the FDC collaborative, child welfare social workers, drug treatment and court/community-based case manager professionals are charged with some of the most complex, challenging and important responsibilities in their respective agencies – the protection of children while working with the entire family unit to address the issues that precipitated their involvement in CWS. Working with families affected by substance use disorders and co-occurring conditions require skill, coordination and collaboration, especially in the family drug court setting.
This webinar will explore the complexities of case management models and functions in the FDC context and their contribution to effective FDC programs. The webinar will explore the function of case management from the child welfare services, substance abuse treatment and court/community-based systems. Practice challenges, including meeting the complex needs of families amidst competing expectations and goals, department policies and limited resources will also be discussed.
Immediately following the webinar, attendees will then have the opportunity to join virtual break-out sessions to further exchange ideas and practical strategies. Technical assistance resources from the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare and National Family Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Program will be offered to empower workers to lead from the front-line to improve the outcomes of children and families affected by substance use disorders.
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1803257709503551746 |
Angel Enters Foster Care through Probation's Door
California's probation system is one of a number across the country that use federal foster care funds to take care of kids like Angel who enter juvenile justice but have no safe home to serve out their probation terms, so are placed in group homes. With the federal dollars come strings, along with memorandums of understanding spelling out for all 58 counties that their juvenile probation departments must provide case management like the foster care system would.
https://chronicleofsocialchange.org/news/angel-enters-foster-care-through-probations-door/9883 |
Transitioning to a life free from abuse
Having a safe haven to protect all victims of domestic violence, whether they be spouses or children, is pivotal to ensuring that the worst case scenario doesn't present itself in the form of an end all to be all ferocious assault. The Branch County Coalition Against Domestic Violence's Naomi Davis Shelterhouse is one of these safe havens for individuals fleeing from the drawn out procurement of domestic violence.
http://www.thedailyreporter.com/article/20150414/NEWS/150419599/1994/NEWS |
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Gerald P. Mallon, DSW, LCSW
Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare
Executive Director
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
A Service of the Children's Bureau
2180 Third Avenue. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10035
mallong@aol.com |