NCCWE Weekly Update 4/30/2015 |
The Polaris State Reports on Human Trafficking
The Polaris annual state ratings process tracks the presence or absence of 10 categories of state statutes that Polaris believes are critical to a comprehensive anti-trafficking legal framework. It is important to note that these 10 categories are not exhaustive of all the important legislation that helps combat human trafficking in a given state. Moreover, the ratings do not assess the effectiveness or implementation of these laws, nor the anti-trafficking efforts of task forces, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, service providers, and advocates in the state. The purpose of the annual state ratings process is to document laws on the books, to motivate legislators and policy advocates, and to focus the attention of states on the statutes that still need to be enacted in order to achieve a strong anti-trafficking legal framework.
Tennessee State Report: State Ratings 2014 [Human Trafficking]. Polaris Project. 2014
http://www.polarisproject.org/storage/documents/2014_State_Reports/Tennessee_State_Report.pdf |
US: Why the American Family Needs Same-Sex Parents (Opinion)
Zocalo Public Square - April 28, 2015 Data shows that the country's most vulnerable kids will benefit if the Supreme Court rules in favor of gay marriage.
http://time.com/3829507/why-same-sex-parents/ |
Legal Recognition of LGBT Families.
National Center for Lesbian Rights. 2015
http://www.nclrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Legal_Recognition_of_LGBT_Families.pdf |
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to offer financial assistance to foster kids at CUNY
New York Daily News - April 16, 2015
The City University of New York has received a four-year $2.5 million grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to help young people coming out of foster care who want to pursue associate degrees at CUNY. Information Gateway Resource: Educational Assistance:
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/education/foster-kids-aid-cuny-article-1.2188522 |
Response to Request for Public Comments on Proposed Rule by the Children and Families Administration on the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS).
The American Bar Association. 2015
http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/uncategorized/GAO/2015apr8_commentsAFCARSeducation.authcheckdam.pdf |
US: Why We Should Care About Adoption Rehoming
Social Work Helper - April 28, 2015" Rehoming can be an appropriate change of placement for a child if it is done with court approval and with home study that look at the needs of the child and the child's best interests," said Stephen Pennypacker, a senior child welfare expert and current President of the Partnership for Strong Families, in an interview. However, the problem with private rehoming is that it is not done with that oversight and the necessary background screening on the prospective placement. "This can lead to some pretty horrific consequences for children that are moved under those circumstances," Pennypacker said
http://www.socialworkhelper.com/2015/04/28/care-adoption-rehoming/ |
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Gerald P. Mallon, DSW, LCSW
Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare
Executive Director
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
A Service of the Children's Bureau
2180 Third Avenue. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10035
mallong@aol.com |