NCCWE Weekly Update 5/14/2015 |
National Foster Care Month 2015
Get to Know the Many Faces of Foster Care
May is National Foster Care Month, a month set aside to acknowledge foster parents, family members, volunteers, mentors, policymakers, child welfare professionals, and other members of the community who help children and youth in foster care find permanent homes and connections. During National Foster Care Month, we renew our commitment to ensuring a bright future for the nearly 400,000 children and youth in foster care, and we celebrate all those who make a meaningful difference in their lives.
https://www.childwelfare.gov/fostercaremonth/more/about/ |
Silberman School of Social Work- Child Welfare Field of Practice
View this amazing webinar about Silberman School of Social Work’s Child Welfare Field of Practice – Hear from Recent Graduates and emerging MSW graduate focusing on a career in Child Welfare
http://www.nccwe.org/ET/fop.html |
Eurasia Foundation – US-Russia University Partnership Program
Silberman School of Social Work has been recently selected in the first round to receive funding from the Eurasia Foundation to participate in the US-Russia University Partnership Program to collaboratively work with the Udmurt State University in Russia to develop a proposal for the second round (Linkage Stage) of the project implementation.
The proposal represents a joint endeavor between the School of Social Work (SSW) at Hunter College, City University of New York and the Udmurt State University (USU) in Izhevsk, Russia to explore and develop a cooperative and sustainable relationship to promote excellence in the field of child welfare through fostering research and curriculum innovations.
Contact Stage Project Goals
The immediate goals of this project proposal are to:
1) Identify curriculum areas of common interest in the field of child welfare;
2) Connect Russian and U.S. faculty with expertise in child welfare to work collaboratively; and
3) Create a sustainable and productive relationship between Russian and U.S. schools of social work to promote excellence in services to children, families and youth.
The project is led by SSW child welfare faculty—Dr. Ilze Earner and Dr. Marina Lalayants, who both have an extensive experience as well as professional connections with the Russian Federation in the field of child welfare and child protection.
http://www.nccwe.org/ET/eurasia.html |
The importance of home permanency for foster child development
Trying to get a child to adapt to a new home setting that is away from his or her original family can be one of the most difficult parts of adoption or moving the child around in foster care. Having a sense of home is pivotal to a child’s development and how they will conduct themselves into adulthood. According to a Princeton Journal, "from a child's perspective, the foster care experience can be emotionally traumatic, and it is associated with detrimental developmental outcomes and lower educational achievement."
https://chronicleofsocialchange.org/opinion/the-importance-of-home-permanency-for-foster-child-development/10039 |
2016 Conference: Advancing Excellence in Practice & Policy: What Works for Families Affected by Substance Use
Aug. 1-3, 2016, Garden Grove, CA
This conference is focused on the critical topic of substance abuse and its affect for children and families, in particular those involved with child welfare. The conference will highlight the exciting work taking place across the country to improve the outcomes and well-being for these children, youth, and families. Additional information is available at 2016 Conference Save the Date, and look for the Call for Proposals later this month.
http://www.cwla.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/SA-Conference.pdf |
Lessons Learned From the Implementation of the Crossover Youth Practice Model (Crossover Youth Series)
Crossover Youth Series Written by Wendy Haight, PhD, Gamble-Skogmo Chair In this third blog post, we will focus on lessons learned by professionals implementing the Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM) in five Minnesota counties. We interviewed 84 professionals involved in the implementation of the CYPM. Learn more click here:
http://cascw.umn.edu/featured/lessons-learned-crossover-youth-series/ |
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Gerald P. Mallon, DSW, LCSW
Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare
Executive Director
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
A Service of the Children's Bureau
2180 Third Avenue. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10035
mallong@aol.com |