NCCWE Weekly Update 6/4/2015 |
Fostering Advocacy Change and Empowerment (FACE) Website
Current and former foster youth are the experts when it comes to foster care and can be leaders in foster care reform efforts. Founded by six former foster youth in 2014, Fostering Advocacy Change and Empowerment (FACE) is a new foster youth-led/adult-supported project, working to change the face of foster care in New York. Comprised of some of this generation’s most energetic and passionate youth advocates, FACE is an inviting, enthusiastic, familial, safe platform to be heard, to advocate, and stay empowered for every foster youth in New York. FACE is a project of the National Center for Child Welfare Excellence, with support and funding from The Redlich Horwitz Foundation.
http://www.nccwe.org/face/ |
It Got Better
Just like the It Gets Better Project, IT GOT BETTER uses the power of storytelling to shed light on the lived experiences of LGBT people and to give hope to those who need to know things can improve. This collection of stories from notable members of the LGBT community is meant to build on Project testimonials and further empower and inspire audiences throughout the world with themes of courage, perseverance, personal growth, and hope -- giving context to when and why and how "it got better." This project began with the goal to educate, save lives, and change minds. We believe the stories that we’ve collected are capable of doing just that.
http://www.itgetsbetter.org/pages/it-got-better |
Transgender Youth in Child Welfare Programs: Information Pack by Priya Sikerwar and Erin Rider, National Center on Child Welfare Excellence
Multiple studies have indicated that transgender youth are disproportionately represented in child welfare settings and are often victims of prejudice, discrimination, and mistreatment.
Transgender youth enter the child welfare system for some of the same reasons as non-transgender youth parental abuse and neglect. However, an aspect that is unique to transgender
youth entering child welfare settings is that they are often kicked out of their homes by their parents and families after revealing their gender identity. As a result, transgender youth have been identified as an especially vulnerable population in the already high-risk population of youth in child welfare settings.
http://nccwe.org/downloads/info-packs/Rider.Sikerwar.pdf |
Deportation and Child Welfare in Mixed Status Families with Unauthorized Parents and Citizen Children
By Norah Covarrubias & Alisa Hartman, National Center on Child Welfare Excellence
Deportation of immigrant parents has a large negative impact on their families. The number of immigrants who are deported has risen, from approximately to 190,000 in 2001 to close to 400,000 in the last four years. What is even more concerning is that in the first 6 months of 2011, more than 460,000 parents of U.S. citizen children were deported (Dreby, 2012). These numbers continue to rise. There are more than 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the US, and these deportations not only affect those being deported, they deeply affect their families’ unification and their citizen children. 16.6 million people currently live in mixed status families with at least one unauthorized immigrant, and a third of children of undocumented parents born in the U.S. live in mixed-status families. Deportations cause economic hardship, emotional distress, and family separation. Families are separated and children are left without a parent or in some cases, without either parent.
http://nccwe.org/downloads/info-packs/HartmanCovarrubias.pdf |
Domestic Violence Benchbooks: A Guide to Court Intervention.
by Ling, Elizabeth. Crank, Katie. Center for Court Innovation. 2015
Judges and justice system staff are uniquely positioned to address the problem of domestic violence. Court intervention can significantly impact victims and families, but in order to effectively intervene, domestic violence-specific education for judges is critical. As a comprehensive technical assistance provider for the Office on Violence Against Women, the Center for Court Innovation often receives inquiries from courts nationwide on benchbooks and other judicial resources regarding domestic violence and sexual assault. This guide and recommended set of practices was created in response to these requests. Understanding that domestic violence laws differ from state to state, this project focuses on the dynamics of domestic violence rather than state statutes.
http://www.courtinnovation.org/sites/default/files/documents/DV_BenchbookFinal.pdf |
Preparing for a Trauma Consultation in Your Juvenile and Family Court.
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. 2015
Being trauma informed means asking “what happened to you and how can we help? verses What is wrong with you?
http://www.ncjfcj.org/sites/default/files/NCJFCJ_Trauma_Manual_04.03.15.pdf |
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Gerald P. Mallon, DSW, LCSW
Julia Lathrop Professor of Child Welfare
Executive Director
National Center for Child Welfare Excellence
Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College
A Service of the Children's Bureau
2180 Third Avenue. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10035
mallong@aol.com |