Organizational Self Study on Family Engagement

Guidelines for Completing the Organizational Self Study

By completing the organizational self study, child welfare agencies have a unique opportunity to review their policies and practices and identify their technical assistance and training needs in key child welfare areas. The self study provides a framework for identifying and assessing the agency’s strengths and challenges in implementing child welfare practices. It supports child welfare agencies in identifying their specific training and technical assistance needs that the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections and other members of the Children’s Bureau Training & Technical Assistance Network can meet.

Completing the self study should be a collaborative effort within the organization and should involve external partners wherever appropriate. Child welfare agencies should designate a team leader to spearhead the organizational self study. The team members should represent the expertise of agency representatives and key stakeholders. Different team members may be assigned to complete different sections of the self study, with the team leader compiling all results. The collaborative effort will help to ensure that the assessment is as accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date as possible. It is important that the team completes and together review the completed organizational self study prior to meeting with the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections or other member of the Children’s Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network.

After the self study is completed by the agency, the NRCPFC will review the assessment and develop an analysis of the identified strengths and needs. The information is then discussed with the agency in a teleconference call. It is important to have the key member’s of team on that call. Based on the information shared an on-site visit date and agenda are agreed upon. The self study is used to guide the on-site meeting and technical assistance plan development.

I have read the above guidelines and now ready to complete the Organizational Self Study on Concurrent Planning.

This self study assessment tool can be used to review the core principles of family engagement practice as identified in the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections Web-Based Practice Toolkit. The tool is designed to review overall agency readiness, administrative policies, identify program strengths and challenges in engaging and working with families. This self study can aid you in shaping your technical assistance needs.

Click here
to download the Organizational Self Study on
Family Engagement.